Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Dryer

Is this the end, then,
A bad headache
Blood pressure
Through the roof
Sputtering, cursing, spitting

Damn drier
64 dollar heater part
Won't fit
Two hours of metal banging
Shape-shifting bloody hands
And scratched up arms
Into the fucking creek with it, then

Let me outta here
Sittin' in the laundromat
Haven't been there in 15 yeaers
Taking a break
Spinning the wet clothes dry
A lightning bolt
$1.64 buys a hose clamp

Hose clamp attached,
Ratcheted into the right shape
Squeeze that heater
Right in the hole
Screw it up
Turn it on - heat!

The kids dare to return
To the dryer's dungeon
Down the stairs
I sit calmly in my chair
"Gee Dad, that was smart!"

Copyright E. Bond Francisco 2008