Saturday, February 25, 2006


What was in that moment?
How did it feel?
Was there feeling ---
At that moment

I imagine the passing from light to dark
Or was it dark to light?
The passing from being to not being
Or was it not being to being?

In that moment
The last in a lifetime of moments
Endless vision of incomparable moments
Like snowflakes, none the same

Did they flash before his eyes
Which were ... closed?
Closed, the final curtain -- peace?
Or wide open, expecting more -- regret?

That one last moment ...
Was I there?
Copyright E. Bond Francisco Feb 2006

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


My head hits the pillow softly
Dreams prepare for dreaming
Lining up at the foot of the bed
Sorting each other out
Depending on what sort of day it's been
Or life

They tramp along in slow-march step
Make their way to the center of my sleeping universe
Spread their picnic blankets all checkered and stained
What images for this evening's fare
What fright shall we give the boy tonight,
Or what delight

Copyright 2006 E. Bond Francisco

Sunday, February 05, 2006


She stops on the sidewalk
Turns and raises her hands
In a prayerful gesture
She means to be thankful
He thinks

His dog meanders from side to side
Sniffing out a haven to protect
Oblivious to intentions
And wishes for a better world -
Attached by leash to its master’s belt

Her arms slowly lower to her sides
She begins to speak
Quietly, to no one present
Answering whispers in her head
Her own voice sharply rising, falling

He continues on
Knowing now he’ll never know
To whom her thankful praise was meant
What difference do her ravings make?
The sun shines down, and cars go by.

Copyright 2006 - E. Bond Francisco